
Since I was a young girl I've liked to sew, for the last few years I have greatly improved on my techniques with sewing. I've made quilts and clothes for my kids and friends.

Quilts are a lot of fun but very time consuming and I like to get things done so I can get on to the next project. My mind is always swimming with new and different ideas! So I decided to make doll quilts, that way I can work on one, while planning the next one. No two are ever the same, how cool is that?

If your little girl/s are anything like mine were they don't want anyone else to have the same thing they have. So I have been very accommodating in that aspect.

Even doll dresses are in my repertoire

Even doll dresses are in my repertoire
This baby doll has a missing arm, not my doing she was borrowed!

Go figure a doll sleeping bag!

Go figure a doll sleeping bag!

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink
Poncho-skirt and bag!

Price listing

Prices go as such:

Doll outfit (skirt and top) $12.00

Sleeping bag with pillow: $15.00

Quilt with pillow and throw pillows: $35.00

Monday, January 30, 2012

CPS Helping or hurting our next generation? Why does CPS step in in some cases and not others? Conspiracy Theory?

CPS Helping or hurting our next generation? Why does CPS step in in some cases and not others? Conspiracy Theory?

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