
Since I was a young girl I've liked to sew, for the last few years I have greatly improved on my techniques with sewing. I've made quilts and clothes for my kids and friends.

Quilts are a lot of fun but very time consuming and I like to get things done so I can get on to the next project. My mind is always swimming with new and different ideas! So I decided to make doll quilts, that way I can work on one, while planning the next one. No two are ever the same, how cool is that?

If your little girl/s are anything like mine were they don't want anyone else to have the same thing they have. So I have been very accommodating in that aspect.

Even doll dresses are in my repertoire

Even doll dresses are in my repertoire
This baby doll has a missing arm, not my doing she was borrowed!

Go figure a doll sleeping bag!

Go figure a doll sleeping bag!

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink
Poncho-skirt and bag!

Price listing

Prices go as such:

Doll outfit (skirt and top) $12.00

Sleeping bag with pillow: $15.00

Quilt with pillow and throw pillows: $35.00

Friday, December 10, 2010

The choices I have made

The choices I have made

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